PCSound Professional Compatibility List

List v2.00 - 13th May 1998

For PCSound Pro 2.00

TitleSound CardInterruptIRQDMAHalf DMARepositionRate FollowNotes
4th GenerationSB1622075Use Alt PCSound Pro
7th GuestSound Blaster22071YSound update patch available
Absolute PinballSB1622075YMusic seems fast
Advanced Tactical FightersYNo setup required!
Age of RiflesSB1622071Y
AlbionSB Regular22071YAutodetects
Alien TrilogySB16/AWE3222071Optional?YUse autodetect
Alone in the DarkSB (DMA)YYInstall from Windows (Alt PCSPro good)
Al-Quadim Genie's CurseSoundBlaster22071YReboot PC card beforehand
Anvil of DawnSB1622071YY
Beneath a Steel SkyMT3222071Use MIDI
Betrayal at KrondorGeneral MIDIOnly asks for a Music Card
BirthrightSoundBlasterYStandard Sierra Autodetect OK
Blam! MachineheadSB1622071YY
BloodSB162207BothUse alternative PCSound Pro
Blood and MagicSoundBlaster22071YY
Break MachineSoundBlaster22071Y
Broken SwordSoundBlaster22071YSB16 better? Autodetects
Buried in TimeY
C&C: Red AlertSB16/ASP/AWE3222075YY
CarmageddonSB1622071YYSB normal better?
Champ Manager 2SB (or SB16)22071YAutodetects OK
ChasmYAutodetects on startup
Close Combat (Demo)YWin 95
Creep ClashSoundBlasterY
CrusadeSoundBlaster Pro22071Y
CyberMageSoundBlaster Mono22071YY
CyberstormYWindows based
Dark ForcesSoundBlaster 2.022071?F/X OK, Speech variable
Darksun: Shattered LandsSB Pro I22071YYReload !PC immediately beforehand
Darksun 2SB Regular22071YReload !PC immediately beforehand
Day of the TentacleSoundBlaster2207Use alternative PCSound Pro
Death RallySB16/AWE3222075Use alt PCSPro
Descent 2SB1622071YY
Destruction DerbySB16YUse Autodetect
Destruction Derby 2SB16/AWE3222071YUse Autodetect
DiscworldSB16YAutodetects OK
DoomSound Blaster22071
Doom 2Sound Blaster22071
Duke it out in DCSB16/AWE322207BothUse Alt PCSPro
Duke Nukem 3DSB162207BothUse alternative PCSound Pro
Duke Nukem AtomicSB16/AWE322207BothUse alt PCSPro
Dungeon KeeperSB16227YUse Autodetect
Empire 2SB16YAutodetects
EntomorphYWindows based
Euro 96SoundBlaster2207YYStart when running !PC in a window
F1GP 2SB1622075YYDisable intro
F22 Lightning 2SB162207BothY8bit Recommended
Fade to BlackSB162207BothYUse autodetect
Fatal FumesSoundBlaster22071Y
FIFA '97 (demo)Use alternative PCSound Pro
Flight Commander 2Y
Flying CorpsSB16/AWE322207yAutodetects fine
Football Masters22071YYNo SoundCard specified!
FX FighterSB162207BothYYUse BLASTER System variable
Gabriel Knight 2SoundBlaster
Gene MachineSB1622071YAutodetects correctly
Get LostSB1622071YY
Hardball 5SoundBlaster22071YY
Harpoon ClassicSoundBlaster22071YAutodetects correctly
HereticSound Blaster22071
Heroes of Might and MagicSB16YAutodetects (Dos Version)
Heroes of Might & Magic 2SB1622071YUse autodetect
HexenSound Blaster22071
Indiana Jones (Desktop)Y
Indycar Racing 2SB1622071YY
InfernoSB162207YAutodetects correctly
Journeyman Project TurboY
Kill, Krush 'n' DestroySB1622075YYCompletly unplayable - too slow
Lands of LoreSoundBlasterYUse alt PCSPro. Don't interrupt dialogue
Last ExpressUse alt PCS Pro
Lemmings 3DSoundBlasterY
Links LSSB1622075YTurn off Verify Settings
Links Extra CoursesInstall into Links
Little Big AdventureSB16220Y
Lost EdenSoundBlaster 2.022071OptionalSB Pro OK, too, but not SB16
Lost in Time (Parts 1&2)SoundBlaster2271YAutodetects
Magic CarpetSoundBlaster22071YYPossible conflict with QEMM
Manic KartsSB162207BothY
Mass DestructionSB16/AWE 32YAutodetects OK
MDKSoundBlaster22071YYRetail version has problem with 586 cards
MechWarrior 2SB1622071OptionalRepositioning Interrupt helps autodetect
Megarace 2SoundBlaster22071YAutodetects
MenzoberranzanSB Regular22071Y
Might & Magic 3RolandAlt PCSPro?
Might & Magic 4SoundBlaster227Alt PCSPro for MT32 music but short FX
Mimi and the Mites22071
NecromanticsSB1622071YNeeds special scrren mode?
Need for Speed SESB16/AWE3222071YUse Alt PCSound Pro
Orion BurgerSB1622071YY
Pandora DirectiveSB 1.022071YY
Perfect AssasinSoundBlasterYAutodetects (MIDI on 820!)
Perfect General 2SB162207YAutodetects correctly
PhantasmagoriaSoundBlasterYBetter under Win? Use 1/2 screen video
Prisoner of IceSB1622071YY
Privateer 2: The DarkeningSB1622071YAutodetects OK
QuakeYUses BLASTER variable
Quarantine IISB16 ASP22071YY
Rama (Dos)SoundBlasterAlt PCSPro may give better quality
RavenloftSB Regular22071YReboot PC card beforehand
Ravenloft 2 Stone ProphetSB Regular22071YReboot PC card beforehand
Realms of the HauntingSB1622075YY
Return of Arcade (MS)YWin 95
Riddle of Master LuSB1622071YYNeeds MS Mouse driver 8.20 (Not amouse)
Road WarriorSB16 ASP22071YY
Scorched PlanetSB1622071OptionalRepositioning Interrupt helps autodetect
ScreamerSB16 ST22071YY
Screamer 2SB 8bit22071YY
Seek and DestroySB16/AWE3222075Optional
Settlers 2SoundBlaster22071YAutodetects OK
Shadow CasterSoundBlaster + GM22071YUse alt PCSPro for best
Shadows over RivaSoundBlaster22071YOptional
Shattered SteelSound Blaster22071YY
Simon the Sorcerer 2SB1622071YY
Sindicate WarsSB1622071OptionalRepositioning Interrupt helps autodetect
Slipstream 5000SB1622071Y
Space Quest 6YWindows based
Star CommandSB16/AWE3222071Use autodetect
Star Control 3SB16YAutodetects correctly
Star Trek: 25th AnnivMostly SBY
Star Trek: A Final UnitySoundBlaster 822071YY
Street RacerSB1622015YOptional
SWIV 3DSB1622071OptionalUse autodetect
Take your Best ShotY
Tennis ElbowSB1622071YY
Terminal VelocitySB16YAutodetects correctly
Terminator: Future ShockSB1622071YUse autodetect
Terminator: SkyNETSB1622071YY
Terra NovaSB1622071Y
Theatre of PainSB1622071YY
Theme HospitalSB162207?YAutodetects OK
Thor's HammerYGame selects SB internally
ThunderscapeSB1622071YUse autodetect
Tie FighterGMIDI + SB220YY
Time CommandoSB1622071OptionalYSB Normal better on some machines
Timegate (Demo)SB1622071YYStart gane with Templier.exe
Tomb RaiderSB1622071YY
Track AttackSB1622071?YYHMI based, but demo had no setup util
Ultimate Soccer Manager 2SB162207YAutodetects OK
Ultima 7 Black GateMT32, SB2207Y
Ultima 7 Serpant IsleMT32, SB2207Y
Ultima UnderworldMT32,SB2207YMT32 causes a pause during loading
Ultima Underworld 2MT32, SB2207YMT32 causes a pause during loading
Under a Killing MoonSoundBlaster 1.022071YOptional
USS TiconderogaSoundBlaster22071Y
Virtual SnookerSB1622071YYManually select
Vortex: Quantum Gate IIY
Wake of the RavagerSB Regular22071Y
Warcraft 2SB16YAutodectects OK. May need Alt PCSPro
Wing Commander 3SB1622075?YY
Wizardry GoldY
Wizardry NemesisSB16/AWE3222071YMPU 401 MIDI on Address 330
Word Shark 2 CDSoundBlasterOptionalRun from DOS: D:\Shark\shark c:\shark
X-COM: ApocalypseSB22071YY
X-WingSB Pro22071OptionalMost SB card types OK
ZSB1622071YAutodetects OK

© R-Comp Interactive 1998, created in HTMLEdit v4.